To Eudoxus of Cnidus (c. 400–350 bce) goes the honour of being the first to show that the area of a circle is proportional to the square of its radius. In today’s algebraic notation, that proportionality is expressed by the familiar formula A = πr2. Yet the constant of proportionality, π, despite its familiarity, is highly mysterious, and the quest to understand it and find its exact value has occupied mathematicians for thousands of years. A century after Eudoxus, Archimedes found the first good approximation of π: 310/71 < π < 31/7. He achieved this by approximating a circle with a 96-sided polygon (see animation). Even better approximations were found by using polygons with more sides, but these only served to deepen the mystery, because no exact value could be reached, and no pattern could be observed in the sequence of approximations.
A stunning solution of the mystery was discovered by Indian mathematicians about 1500 ce: π can be represented by the infinite, but amazingly simple, series π/4 = 1 − 1/3 + 1/5 − 1/7 +⋯. They discovered this as a special case of the series for the inverse tangent function: tan−1 (x) = x − x3/3 + x5/5 − x7/7 +⋯.
The individual discoverers of these results are not known for certain; some scholars credit them to Nilakantha Somayaji, some to Madhava. The Indian proofs are structurally similar to proofs later discovered in Europe by James Gregory, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, and Jakob Bernoulli. The main difference is that, where the Europeans had the advantage of the fundamental theorem of calculus, the Indians had to find limits of sums of the form
Before Gregory’s rediscovery of the inverse tangent series about 1670, other formulas for π were discovered in Europe. In 1655 John Wallis discovered the infinite product π/4 = 2/3∙4/3∙4/5∙6/5∙6/7⋯, and his colleague William Brouncker transformed this into the infinite continued fraction
Finally, in Leonhard Euler’s Introduction to Analysis of the Infinite (1748), the series π/4 = 1 − 1/3 + 1/5 − 1/7 +⋯ is transformed into Brouncker’s continued fraction, showing that all three formulas are in some sense the same.
Brouncker’s infinite continued fraction is particularly significant because it suggests that π is not an ordinary fraction—in other words, that π is irrational. Precisely this idea was used in the first proof that π is irrational, given by Johann Lambert in 1767.