A Visit to Europe
- Question: What European nation last colonized the Maldives?
- Answer: The Maldives were a British colony. In 1965 Maldives gained full political independence. It became a republic in 1968. The last British troops left in 1976.
- Question: What ocean current accounts for western Europe’s temperate weather?
- Answer: The Gulf Stream, which flows northeastward from the Caribbean, gives western Europe mild weather for most of the year.
- Question: What is Holland’s seat of government?
- Answer: The Hague is the seat of government of Holland, also called The Netherlands. The capital, however, is Amsterdam.
- Question: Which of these is not a river in Spain?
- Answer: The Rhône River flows through France. It is 505 miles (813 kilometers) long.
- Question: Greenwich time is named for a city in which country?
- Answer: The Royal Astronomical Observatory in Greenwich, England, is the site from which Greenwich, or universal, time is measured.
- Question: In what country does Real Madrid play?
- Answer: Real Madrid plays in the Santiago Bernabéu football stadium, located in downtown Madrid, the capital of Spain.
- Question: The capital of Sweden is:
- Answer: The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. It is located in the western region of the Baltic Sea.
- Question: Which of these cities is not in Italy?
- Answer: Valletta is the capital of the island republic of Malta.
- Question: Which of these bodies of water does not lie alongside Finland?
- Answer: Finland has a long coastline. The Gulf of Bothnia lies to the west, the Baltic Sea to the southwest, and the Gulf of Finland to the south.
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