Form and function
- Related Topics:
- ice bug
- Dictyoptera
- Orthoptera
- phasmid
- Exopterygota
Adaptive features
Orthopterans exhibit various adaptations for movement; some are present in an entire family or suborder, others are peculiar to certain genera. The head of mantids is borne by the prothorax in such a way that it is easily turned to face in different directions. Since the mantid diet consists almost entirely of insects, vision is critically important and is unusually well developed. The best known orthopterans with specialized front legs are mantids; the principal leg segments are hinged and spined for seizing and holding prey. Some Orthoptera, especially certain groups of Tettigonioidea, also have front legs with long spines that enable them to hold other insects, although the hinging is not comparable to that in mantids.
Although some cockroaches burrow in soil, sand, or decomposing wood, the principal burrowers are found among the Orthoptera. In both groups the legs, especially the front tibiae, are short and strong, with heavy spurs. Mole crickets, false mole crickets, and sand crickets are accomplished burrowers. Small tunnels serve as shelter and as egg-laying locations, and roots or tubers encountered while burrowing are sometimes used as food. Several genera of camel crickets (Gryllacrididae) in the southwestern U.S. have conspicuous, sometimes basket-shaped, clusters of spurs on the hind legs. They often live on sand dunes and burrow chiefly for shelter. A few desert-living grasshoppers, some in the southwestern U.S., others in Africa, exhibit what has been called “self-burial.” Instead of making an elongated cylindrical burrow, the grasshopper rests on the surface of the sand or moves forward and backward, manoeuvring its legs until it has submerged itself and covered its body with sand. The apparent purpose is protection.
Hind legs of Orthoptera, though useful in walking, are used primarily for leaping. Particularly important are the large muscle in the femur, the hinged attachment of tibia to femur, and the tendon extending within the leg from the femur to the end of the tarsus. In a few semi-aquatic Orthoptera, the hind tibia is broadened as a paddle or equipped with fringed spurs to permit effective swimming strokes in water. The ability to run swiftly is common among cockroaches and some mantids. Cockroaches escape enemies by running; mantids utilize their running ability both to escape predators and to catch prey. Some mantids that live on the ground, in deserts, or on tree trunks in the tropics are active runners; however, the majority of mantids stalk their prey slowly or wait quietly until an unsuspecting insect moves nearby.
Body shape is important to many orthopterans, either allowing them to live in places where adequate shelter from weather and enemies is provided or affording them concealment through camouflage. Most cockroaches have flat bodies that enable them to hide beneath stones, under other objects on the ground, or under the loose bark of logs. Examples of orthopterans whose camouflages resemble parts of plants are members of the Phasmida; some of them resemble leaves, others look like twigs or rough pieces of small limbs from trees. Several katydids and grasshoppers resemble leaves; some are green or brown, others have spots that resemble leaves affected by plant diseases. There are some slender grasshoppers that live among grasses, where they conceal themselves by clinging lengthwise to stems and remaining motionless or by quickly sidling around behind stems.
There are two basic types of insect colours. Structural colours occur when irregular cuticle or scale surfaces break up and reflect certain wave lengths of light. Metallic lustres of some orthopterans (e.g., silvery patches on some grasshoppers) are examples. Most orthopteran colours are due to pigments; often they are located in the cuticle, but sometimes they occur in some deeper body layer. The pigments may be naturally occurring ones or, like melanin, dependent on an oxidation process or a hormonal balance that influences metabolism; these latter pigments are present in varying amounts in different individuals of the same species.
Among some orthopterans, especially grasshoppers, body colours tend to simulate the colour of the habitat background. This is particularly true of species inhabiting rocky or sandy environments. In some cases, colour changes occur rapidly; this was demonstrated by certain light gray African grasshoppers that became black after being caged a few days on dark burnt-over ground. In other cases more time is required. Colour changes usually involve the effect of bright light on integumentary pigments. Among some orthopterans, however, light must enter the eyes, and a rhythm related to some nervous-endocrine mechanism is apparently involved.
An unusual and rapid colour change occurs in an Australian alpine grasshopper (Kosciuscola tristis), which lives at above 5,000 feet elevation. The adult male, bright greenish blue on the upper part of its body at temperatures above 25 °C (77 °F), is dull and blackish below 15 °C (59 °F). At intermediate temperatures, correspondingly intermediate shades of colour occur. Detailed experiments by Australian entomologists prove that temperature, not light intensity, relative humidity, or degree of crowding is the controlling factor. The epidermal cells of the integument contain brown and blue granules; at warmer temperatures on sunny days the blue granules, in a discrete layer uppermost in the epidermal cells, are near the surface of the integument. At night or on cloudy days, the brown granules migrate from the bottom of the epidermal cells and change places with the blue granules. Thirty minutes is sufficient time for a colour change to take place.