musical device
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In music recording: Types of reproduction
… (or Battle Symphony) for the panharmonicon, a full mechanical orchestra invented by Johann Nepomuk Maelzel (Mälzel), a German musician who perfected the metronome.
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invented by Maelzel
- In keyboard instrument: The reed organ
…such as Johann Nepomuk Maelzel’s panharmonicon, first exhibited in Vienna in 1804.
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use by Beethoven
- In Ludwig van Beethoven: Wider recognition
…a mechanical musical instrument, the Panharmonicon, invented by J.N. Maelzel, Beethoven later scored the work for orchestra. He frankly admitted it was program music of the worst kind, vastly different from the ideals of “mehr Ausdruck der Empfindung als Malerei” (“more as an expression of feeling than painting”) expressed in…
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