Luis Enríque Mejía Godoy
Nicaraguan musician
Learn about this topic in these articles:
contribution to nueva cancíon
- In nueva canción: The tumultuous years: the 1970s through the late ’80s
…Carlos Godoy and his brother Luis Enrique Mejía Godoy were especially effective in rallying the nonreading rural public to join the Sandinistas’ mission to overthrow the long-standing dictatorship of the Somoza family. In a manner uncharacteristic of most nueva canción, some of the Godoys’ songs contained undisguised calls to arms…
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culture of Nicaragua
- In Nicaragua: The arts
…was led by Nicaraguan brothers Luis Enríque Mejía Godoy and Carlos Mejía Godoy, who continued to perform into the 1990s, often with other artists, including Katia Cardenal and guitarist Eduardo Araica. The English-speaking town of Bluefields, on the Caribbean coast, has emerged as a centre of reggae music. Nicaraguan palo…
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