Victor Hugo: Facts & Related Content

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Born February 26, 1802 • BesançonFrance
Died May 22, 1885 (aged 83) • ParisFrance
Founder “Conservateur Littéraire”
Notable Works “Cromwell”“Dicté après juillet 1830”“Dieu”“Hans of Iceland”“Hernani”“Histoire d’un crime”“La Fin de Satan”“La Légende des siècles”“Le Sacre de la femme”“Le Satyre”“Les Burgraves”“Les Chants du crépuscule”“Les Châtiments”“Les Contemplations”“Les Feuilles d’automne”“Les Misérables”“Les Orientales”“Les Rayons et les ombres”“Les Voix intérieures”“Marion de Lorme”“Napoléon le Petit”“Odes et ballades”“Odes et poésies diverses”“Plein Ciel”“Ruy Blas”“The Hunchback of Notre Dame”“The King Amuses Himself”
Movement / Style Romanticism


Alfred de Musset
French author
Théophile Gautier
French author
Aleksandr Pushkin
Aleksandr Pushkin
Russian author
Alessandro Manzoni, oil painting by Francesco Hayez; in the Brera Gallery, Milan.
Alessandro Manzoni
Italian author
Alexandre Dumas.
Alexandre Dumas, père
French author [1802–1870]
Catulle Mendès.
Catulle Mendès
French author
Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, detail of a portrait by Federico de Madrazo, 1857.
Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda
Cuban Spanish playwright
Portrait of poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
British poet and critic
Sir Walter Scott
Sir Walter Scott
Scottish writer
Lermontov, Mikhail
Mikhail Lermontov
Russian writer
portrait of Germaine de Staël
Germaine de Staël
French-Swiss author
Lamartine, detail of an oil painting by François Gérard; in the Musée National de Versailles et des Trianons
Alphonse de Lamartine
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Smollett, detail of an oil painting by an unknown artist, about 1770; in the National Portrait Gallery, London
Tobias Smollett
Scottish novelist
Alphonse Daudet
Alphonse Daudet
French author
Jean Cocteau, 1939.
Jean Cocteau
French poet and artist
Wole Soyinka
Wole Soyinka
Nigerian author
Tahar Ben Jelloun
Tahar Ben Jelloun
Moroccan author
