fern genus
Learn about this topic in these articles:
annotated classification
- In fern: Annotated classification
…ferns; 6 modern genera (Angiopteris, Christensenia, Danaea, Eupodium, Marattia, and Ptisana) with about 150 species, widely distributed in tropical regions. Subclass Polypodiidae (leptosporangiate ferns) Order
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- In fern: Comparisons with leaves of other plant groups
…of the elephant fern (Angiopteris), with fronds more than 5 metres (16 feet) long and petioles 15 cm (6 inches) in diameter.
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- In Marattiaceae
Angiopteris has separate sporangia. Marattia, Ptisana, and Eupodium (the latter two having been formerly placed in Marattia) have the sporangia united in clusters called synangia, which are paired along each side of certain leaf veins and open toward the leaflet axis in this genus. Danaea…
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