plant genus
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In houseplant: Foliage plants
…are several prayer plants (Maranta species), which fold their attractive leaves at night; and the exquisite Calathea makoyana, or peacock plant, with translucent foliage marked with a feathery peacock design. Pilea cadierei, or aluminum plant, is easy to grow; it has fleshy leaves splashed with silver. Codiaeum species, or…
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- In Marantaceae: Major genera and species
The genus Maranta has 40–50 members, which are native to Central and South America and the West Indies. The smooth white rhizomes (underground stems) of some species, such as Maranta arundinacea, furnish the starch known as arrowroot. Other members of the family are popular ornamentals, such as…
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