- Related Topics:
- pregnancy
- birth
- gestation
- labour
- brood pouch
The female reproductive tract consists of a pair of tubes (gonoducts) extending from anterior, funnel-like openings (ostia) to the cloaca, except as noted below. The gonoducts are specialized along their length for secretion of substances added to the eggs; for transport, storage, nutrition, and expulsion of eggs or the products of conception; and, in species with internal fertilization, for receipt, transport, storage, and nutrition of inseminated sperm. The predominately muscular tracts are lined by a secretory epithelium and ciliated over at least part of their length. Fusion of the caudal (tail) ends of the paired ducts may occur. Gonoducts are absent in cyclostomes and a few gnathostome fishes that have abdominal pores. A few vertebrates have only one functional gonoduct.
Gonoducts in lungfishes and amphibians are coiled muscular tubes that are ciliated over most of their length. Only occasionally do they unite caudally in a genital papilla before opening into the cloaca. During breeding seasons their diameter increases severalfold because of the highly active secretory epithelium. Between breeding seasons they are small. In some anurans (frogs, toads), such as Rana, the lower end of each gonoduct is expanded to form an ovisac, in which ovulated eggs are stored until spawning; the tube between the ostium (funnel-like opening) and ovisac is the oviduct. In viviparous amphibians the young develop in the ovisac. In amphibians, numerous multicellular glands extend deep into the lining of the female tract. Six successive glandular zones have been described in some urodeles, and these secrete six different gelatinous substances upon the egg. Female urodeles often have convoluted tubular outpocketings of the cloaca called spermatheca; they temporarily store sperm liberated from the male spermatophore.
The two gonoducts of elasmobranchs share a single ostium, a trait found only in Chondrichthyes. The ostium is a wide caudally directed funnel supported in the falciform ligament, which is attached to the liver. The role of the fimbria of the ostium at ovulation has been described (see above Ovaries). Two oviducts pass forward from the ostium to the septum transversum (i.e., between the heart and abdominal cavities), curve around one end of the liver, then pass posteriorly on each side. Approximately midway between ostium and uterus each oviduct has a shell (nidamental) gland. Fertilization takes place above the shell gland, which may be immense or almost undifferentiated. Half of the shell gland secretes a substance high in protein content (albumen), and the other half secretes the shell—delicate in viviparous forms, thick and horny in most oviparous species. Horny shells may have spiral ridges and many long tendrils, which entwine about an appropriate surface after the egg is deposited. In the viviparous shark Squalus acanthias several eggs pass one after the other through the shell gland, where they are enclosed in one long delicate membranous shell that soon disintegrates. Beyond the shell gland the oviducts terminate in an enlargement, which, in viviparous species, serves as a uterus. An oviducal valve may be found at the junction of oviduct and uterus. Although the two uteri usually open independently into the cloaca, they occasionally unite to form a bicornuate (two-horned) structure. In immature females, the uterus may be separated from the cloaca by a hymen, or membrane. The tract enlarges enormously during the first pregnancy and does not thereafter fully regress to its original size.
The gonoducts of most lower ray-finned fishes resemble those of lungfish, but those of gars and teleosts are exceptional in that the oviducts are usually continuous with the ovarian cavities. A median genital papilla receives the oviducts in teleosts, and the papilla is sometimes elongated to form an ovipositor. European bitterlings deposit their eggs in a mussel by means of the ovipositor, and female pipefish and seahorses deposit them in the brood pouch of a male.
With certain modifications, the gonoducts of reptiles and birds are comparable to those of lower vertebrates. Crocodilians, some lizards, and nearly all birds have one gonoduct; the other is not well developed. Even in birds of prey having two functional ovaries, the right oviduct is sometimes undeveloped. The tracts of reptiles generally show less regional differentiation than do those of birds. The oviduct funnel (ostium) in birds forms the chalazae—two coiled, springlike cords extending from the yolk to the ends of the egg. In both reptiles and birds, much of the length of the female tract is oviduct. This region, called the magnum in birds, secretes albumen; lizards and snakes do not form albumen. Behind the albumen-secreting region is a shell gland. In lizards, the gland is midway along the tract. In birds, the shell gland is at the posterior end, has thick muscular walls, and is often inappropriately called a uterus. It is preceded by a narrow region, or isthmus, which secretes the noncalcareous, or soft, membranes of the shell. The shell gland leads to a narrow muscular vagina that empties into the cloaca. The vagina secretes mucus that seals the pores of the shell before the egg is expelled. Special vaginal tubules (spermatheca) store sperm over winter in some snakes and lizards; seminal receptacles have been described in the oviduct funnel in some snakes. In birds, sperm storage glands (sperm nests) often occur in the funnel and at the uterovaginal junction. In lizards and birds, ovulation does not usually occur into a tract already containing an egg. Some lizards shed very few eggs per season; the gecko, for example, sheds only two.
The female reproductive tracts of monotremes, the egg-laying mammals, consist of two oviducts, the lower ends of which are shell glands. These open into a urinogenital sinus, which, in turn, empties into a cloaca. Marsupials have two oviducts, two uteri (duplex uterus), and two vaginas. The upper parts of the vaginas unite to form a median vagina that may or may not be paired internally. Beyond the median vagina, the vaginas are again paired (lateral vaginas) and lead to a urinogenital sinus. The posterior end of the pouchlike median vagina is separated from the forward end of the urinogenital sinus by a partition. When the female is delivering young, the fetuses are usually forced through the partition and into the urinogenital sinus, bypassing the lateral vaginas. The ruptured partition may remain open thereafter, resulting in a pseudovagina. It closes in opossums, and in kangaroos both the median and lateral routes may serve as birth canals. The lateral vaginas in marsupials receive the forked tips of the male penis. Fertilization in all mammals takes place in the oviducts (Fallopian tubes).
In eutherian mammals (i.e., all mammals except monotremes and marsupials), with exceptions noted below, female reproductive tracts beyond the ostia (oviduct funnels) consist of two narrow and somewhat tortuous Fallopian tubes, two large uterine horns (each of which receives a Fallopian tube), a uterine body, and one vagina. Fallopian tubes often have a short dilated ampulla, or saclike swelling, just beyond the ostium. Implantation of the egg occurs only in the uterine horns; the embryos become spaced equidistant from one another in both horns even if only one ovary has ovulated. In some species one horn is rudimentary—the left in the impala (an African antelope)—and the embryos become implanted in the other horn, even though both ovaries ovulate. The body of the uterus in some mammals (e.g., rabbits, elephants, aardvarks; some rodents, bats, insectivores) contains two separate canals (bipartite uterus). In other mammals (ungulates, many cetaceans, most carnivores and bats) the body of the uterus has one chamber into which the two horns empty (bicornuate uterus). There are numerous intermediate conditions between the bipartite and bicornuate condition. Apes, monkeys, and man have no horns, and the Fallopian tubes empty directly into the body of the uterus (simplex uterus). In all mammals, the uterine body tapers to a narrow neck (cervix). The opening (os uteri) into the vagina is guarded by fleshy folds (lips of the cervix). The vagina in eutherian mammals other than rodents and primates terminates in a urinogenital sinus that opens to the exterior by a urinogenital aperture. In some rodents and in higher primates the vagina opens directly to the exterior. In the young of many species a membrane, the hymen, closes the vaginal opening. In guinea pigs the hymen reseals the opening after each reproductive period. Sperm are stored over winter in the uterus of some bats and in vaginal pouches in others.
Accessory glands
Female mammals have fewer accessory sex glands than males, the most prominent being Bartholin’s glands and prostates. Bartholin’s (bulbovestibular) glands are homologues of the bulbourethral glands of males. One pair usually opens into the urinogenital sinus or, in primates, into a shallow vestibule at the opening of the vagina. Prostates develop as buds from the urethra in many female embryos but often remain partially developed. They become well developed, however, in some insectivores, chiropterans, rodents, and lagomorphs, although their function is obscure. A variety of glands (labial, preputial, urethral) are found in the mucosa, or mucous membrane. Glands in the uterine mucosa provide nourishment for embryos before implantation. Cervical uterine glands secrete mucus that lubricates the vagina, which has no glands.