Layouts and facilities
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Botanical gardens and arboretums differ from parks in that they are generally laid out according to the scientific relationships of their plant collections, rather than exclusively for landscape effect or for playing fields or other essentially recreational endeavours. The traditional practice in laying out a botanical garden is, for example, to gather the trees and shrubs together in an arboretum section of the garden. Oftentimes, though, trees and shrubs are used to enhance landscape effects by interspersing them throughout the garden, in their respective taxonomic groups, with herbaceous collections.
Botanical gardens, or parts of them, are sometimes planned according to the geographic origin of plants. Not infrequently the layout is based on small, special gardens within the greater garden, such as rose, iris, rock, wildflower, and Japanese landscape gardens. Botanical gardens may range in size from a few hectares to as many as 1,000.
Although the layouts mentioned heretofore often preclude the possibility of arranging plants strictly according to their taxonomic relationships, this is still possible for certain groups. The genus Rosa, for example, includes a great many species and hundreds of named man-made hybrids. In addition to the genus Rosa, there are many other genera in the rose family (Rosaceae), with their species and innumerable cultivars. The rose family would be a typical taxonomic grouping for a botanical garden, though the tree species would be grown separately from the rose bushes. The same general principle of taxonomic groupings holds for other plant families and genera.
Usually associated with botanical gardens are the service or display greenhouses in which to propagate plants or to grow those that may not survive seasonal changes. In temperate climates, where the winters are cold, for example, tropical orchids must be greenhouse grown. The same is true of tropical ferns, bromeliads, economic plants of the tropics or near-tropics, many cacti and other succulents, African violets, and begonias. Hotbeds as well as greenhouses serve for starting seedling plants that are to be set outdoors as soon as the weather is warm enough.
A botanical garden that aspires to large plant collections must also have storage areas that provide temperature conditions favourable to certain species at particular seasons. Cold frames may serve this purpose for many kinds of plants and for the wintering over of younger plants that need a cold period but will not tolerate freezing temperatures. Houses built of lathing may also be important for the temporary storage of some species in semishade or even for the growing of certain plants that are intolerant of the hot summer sun.
Many gardens possess herbaria, or collections of a few to many thousands of dried plant specimens mounted on sheets of paper. The species thus mounted have been identified by experts and labeled by their proper scientific names, together with information on where they were collected, how they grew, and so on. They are filed in cases according to families and genera, always available for ready reference. Herbaria, like living plant collections, are the “dictionaries” of the plant kingdom, the reference specimens essential to the proper naming of unknown plants.
Many botanical gardens associated with universities possess extensive libraries, herbaria, and laboratory research facilities. Such gardens offer essential services for the professional plant taxonomist. Some large urban botanical gardens provide classroom and greenhouse workshop facilities for the novice gardener, and the trend for popular-level instruction is growing.
Most large botanical gardens publish technical journals and popular brochures. Books of general appeal and films are produced by some of the larger botanical gardens.
Professional considerations
The prime consideration in maintaining plant collections is, of course, good plant-culture practices. Skilled lawn maintenance is particularly important for botanical gardens in cities; the discerning citizen judges a garden more by its general appearance than by the excellence of its plant collections. Tree and shrub collections require systematic pruning, and no important tree should go for more than two years without such attention. Older trees require special pruning attention and care of wounds so that decay does not set in. Spraying for control of pests and diseases is often necessary.
In the early years of botanical gardens, new kinds of plants could be secured only by sending out knowledgeable collectors on expeditions, often to distant places. They would seek out new species growing in the wild and bring back samples of the plants desired. But the nursery industry has now become so great that many smaller firms specialize in particular groups of plants; thus, numerous species and cultivars can be purchased directly from nursery firms, ready for planting. Exchanges of seeds as well as rare plants are often carried out between botanical gardens. Some gardens issue seed-exchange lists annually.
Equipment for the care of plant collections depends upon the size of the operation. Aside from a building adequate to take care of physical needs of the gardening staff and housing space for tools and equipment, attractive and efficient classroom space is essential for gardens with an educational program. A section of a greenhouse arranged for practical work by students (i.e., a greenhouse classroom) is also desirable.
Staff needs depend upon the specific objectives of a botanical garden as well as upon the resources available, the climate, and the area to be cared for. At least one gardener should be a skilled propagator or nurseryman. The head gardener, with advanced horticultural training and experience, supervises the entire operation. If the physical plant is of sufficient size, a combination of skilled craftsmen and a superintendent is required to look after all structures and oversee the cleaning, heating, and other routine services.
Professional staff needs also depend upon an institution’s objectives as well as financial resources. A general botanist is essential. A taxonomist is basic for the herbarium, as is a librarian, if the book and journal collection is of any size. The taxonomist usually has supervision over the making and placing of plant labels. A plant pathologist, or specialist in plant diseases, is desirable if the plant collections are large. If a teaching program for adults and children is part of the educational pattern of the institution, at least a skeleton force of teachers or part-time instructors who come in and conduct classes is necessary. The total botanical garden program, from gardening through professional staff, is coordinated by a director, who, in turn, is responsible to a board of trustees if the garden is a private corporation. A garden that is part of a university is generally the primary responsibility of a professor of botany or horticulture and is operated as an adjunct of his particular department. Gardens that are government supported usually operate under a director and advisory group.
Some botanical gardens are independently established and financially provided for through endowments set up by wealthy persons. Gardens directly operated by government agencies are usually supported by tax monies. Private colleges and universities with botanical gardens are privately supported and often receive financial assistance by organized, dues-paying-membership groups or by endowment funds established in their behalf.