chromosome: Media
What are chromosomes?
Each species has a unique set of chromosomes. These chromosomes, together with mitochondrial...
Know how unlike humans some organisms like naked mole rats, rock fish, lobsters, and bristlecone pines can pause their aging process
The aging process in an organism may depend in large part on its ability to repair...
Mitosis: The process of cell division and growth explained
The process of cell division begins with cell growth and nuclear doubling and ends...
How gene therapy can treat diseases
Gene therapy seeks to repair genetic mutations through the introduction of healthy,...
Learn about the number of chromosomes present in different organisms
The terms haploid and diploid refer to the number of chromosomes in each cell.
Observe a living plant cell undergoing mitotic cell division recorded by time-lapse photography
Time-lapse photography of a live plant cell nucleus undergoing mitosis.
Know how telomeres protect the ends of the chromosomes and over a while, it causes cellular aging
Learn how telomeres affect the aging process at the cellular level.
Learn how the DNA molecules divide during the process of cell division called mitosis
The cell cycle is an ordered sequence of events that prepares a cell for the process...
DNA packaging into chromatin and chromosome
DNA wraps around proteins called histones to form units known as nucleosomes. These...
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Hereditary information is contained in genes, which are carried on chromosomes.
© James Cavallini—BSIP/age fotostock
Klinefelter syndrome
Karyotype of a patient with Klinefelter syndrome, with a chromosome composition of...
Wessex Reg. Genetics Centre/Wellcome Collection
During meiosis, an event known as chromosomal crossing over sometimes occurs as a...
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
centromere and chromatids in cell division
During the first stages of cell division, the recognizable double-stranded chromosome...
© Merriam-Webster Inc.
karyotype; human chromosome number
Chromosomal karyotyping arranges chromosomes according to a standard classification...
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
structure of a typical bacterial cell
Structure of a typical bacterial cell, showing the cell wall, a plasmid, and other...
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Bacterial, animal, and plant cells compared
Bacterial cells differ from animal cells and plant cells in several ways. One fundamental...
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
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