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Most optical signals depend on sunlight reflected from the animal or plant. Therefore, the receiver’s perception of the signal depends on the characteristics of the ambient illumination, which, in turn, depends on such variables as time of year, time of day, amount of cloud cover, amount of vegetation between the light source and the optical signal, and spectral reflectance of the habitat. Clear-sky sunlight with the Sun overhead is essentially white, but with the Sun low in the sky the light has a yellow or orange spectral emphasis. Light in broadleaf forests has a yellow-green emphasis, whereas light in conifer forests has a slight bluish emphasis. These small but consistent differences may affect the evolution of optical coloration.
Visual functions
Biological coloration can play a variety of roles in an animal’s visual system. For example, facial coloration can help determine the amount of light that is reflected into the eyes. Among animals living in brightly lit habitats, too much reflected light could have undesirable effects on vision. It could, for example, produce blinding glare or dazzle; it might result in high luminance in parts of the visual field, thereby diminishing contrast in other parts of the field; or it could cause adaptation to a higher illuminance level than is appropriate for the remainder of the visual field. Birds that forage in sunlight for aerial insects—a visually demanding task—have bills that are black. Apparently the black coloration reduces reflectance that interferes with their vision.
Vision itself depends on a biochrome that consists of a protein, opsin, attached to a chromophore. The chromophore may be either retinal (vitamin A1), in which case the molecule is called rhodopsin; or 3-dehydroretinal (vitamin A2), in which case the molecule is called porphyropsin. When light enters the eye and strikes the visual biochrome, the molecule undergoes a chemical change that stimulates the receptor nerve and thereby produces a visual stimulus.
In addition to the visual pigments, the eyes of many invertebrates contain biochromes that affect the spectrum of light that reaches the photoreceptors. Similarly, oil droplets in the retina and epithelium of vertebrate eyes contain carotenoids that may affect colour perception. More importantly, the epithelium contains melanin, which absorbs stray light that penetrates the retina without being absorbed by the visual pigments. In insect eyes a similar function is performed by ommochromes in secondary pigment cells surrounding the photoreceptors.
Among many nocturnal vertebrates the white compound guanine is found in the epithelium or retina of the eye. This provides a mirrorlike surface, the tapetum lucidum, which reflects light outward and thereby allows a second chance for its absorption by visual pigments at very low light intensities. Tapeta lucida produce the familiar eyeshine of nocturnal animals.
Physiological functions
The discussion of biochromes earlier in this article touched upon the many important physiological roles of biological pigments, including that of the chlorophylls in photosynthesis and of the hemoglobins in oxygen transport. This section provides examples of other physiological effects of biological coloration.
Hair and feathers that contain melanin are more durable than those that lack this biochrome. Increased durability probably accounts for the dark, melanic wing tips of most birds. It may also be a contributing factor to the high proportion of black among birds that live in deserts, which are exceptionally abrasive habitats.
The absorption of solar energy by dark skin, scales, feathers, or hair is often associated with increased heat gain and reduced metabolic rates. Because birds lose a large amount of body heat through their uninsulated legs, dark leg coloration may help to warm the legs by absorbing solar energy, thereby reducing heat loss. Such reduced heat loss may explain why dark-legged North American woodwarblers (Parulidae) arrive in their northern breeding areas earlier than light-legged woodwarblers. Dark feathers, however, may actually reduce the amount of solar energy that penetrates to and is absorbed by a bird’s skin. With fully erect plumage in moderate winds, a dark bird in full sunlight absorbs less heat into its body than a light bird does. This may also be a factor contributing to the high proportion of black among desert-dwelling birds.
Photoactivation of 7-dehydrocholesterol into vitamin D occurs throughout the epidermis of humans in the presence of ultraviolet light. The melanization of human skin may be an adaptation to optimize synthesis of vitamin D by permitting more or less ultraviolet radiation to penetrate the epidermis.
A widespread response to increased light levels is the addition of melanin, or darkening of the body—for example, tanning in humans. Such melanic shielding protects the tissues of the organism from potentially dangerous levels of ultraviolet radiation. Since the ultraviolet shield need protect only easily damaged cells in the nervous and reproductive systems, it does not necessarily have to lie in the skin but can instead be located internally, immediately around sensitive organs. When the ultraviolet shield is internal, external coloration may conform to other selection pressures.
Water is conserved by reducing evaporative loss and by reducing excretory water loss. Insects reduce evaporative water loss by adding melanin to the cuticle, melanin being more waterproof than other biochromes. The black-coloured beetle Onymacris laeviceps loses significantly less water than does the white-coloured beetle O. brincki when both species are kept without food under identical conditions. Quinones also darken insect exoskeletons, and in Drosophila quinones contribute to the low permeability of the exoskeleton. Some insects avoid excretory water loss by depositing nitrogenous wastes in the exoskeleton, which is shed periodically. In these species external coloration is a consequence of nitrogen excretion.
Some arthropods produce offensive odours as a means of defense against predators. These odours derive from p-benzoquinones in the exoskeleton and are correlated with the chromatic properties of the molecules. Consequently, coloration in these species may be a consequence of selection for chemical defense.