- Key People:
- Per Teodor Cleve
- Related Topics:
- nugget
- ore reserve
- chemical sediment
- ore deposit
- massive deposit
Only two metals, gold and platinum, are found principally in their native state, and in both cases the native metals are the primary ore minerals. Silver, copper, iron, osmium, and several other metals also occur in the native state, and a few occurrences are large enough—and sufficiently rich—to be ore deposits. One example is the rich deposits of native copper in the Lake Superior area of Michigan in the United States. Here the copper occurs in interbedded conglomerates (a sedimentary rock consisting of pebbles and boulders) and basaltic lava flows, most of which are vesicular and have fragmental layers of basaltic rubble on top of each flow. In the basalt, the native copper and associated gangue minerals fill the vesicles and cavities in the rubble; in the conglomerate, the copper fills spaces between the pebbles and in part replaces some of the smaller rock fragments. Originally discovered and worked by native Americans who manufactured and traded ornaments of malleable copper, the great Michigan copper deposits were first mined in 1845 and continued in production for more than a century.
The largest group of ore minerals consists of sulfides. Because the physical and chemical properties of telluride, selenide, and arsenide minerals are very similar to those of sulfide minerals and because these minerals tend to occur together, it is convenient to use the term sulfide to embrace these similar minerals. Copper, lead, zinc, nickel, molybdenum, silver, arsenic, antimony, bismuth, cobalt, and mercury all form sulfide ore minerals. Gold and silver form tellurides under certain circumstances, and platinum forms an important arsenide ore mineral.
The principle of atomic substitution operates in all classes of minerals, and some of the rarest metals occur by atomic substitution in sulfide ore minerals of other scarce metals. For example, cadmium and indium are generally present in small amounts in the zinc sulfide sphalerite, the major ore mineral of zinc. In fact, most of the world’s cadmium and indium is recovered as a by-product of the smelting of sphalerite concentrates to produce zinc.