subdural hematoma
- Related Topics:
- brain
- meninges
- skull
- head
- dura mater
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- Healthdirect - Subdural haematoma (Jan. 02, 2025)
subdural hematoma, bleeding into the space between the brain and its outermost protective covering, the dura. It typically results when a traumatic force applied to the head creates significant fast-changing velocities of the contents inside the skull. The expanding hemorrhage can increase the pressure inside the skull and compress the underlying brain tissue. While subdural hematomas are relatively uncommon, they are very serious injuries that can lead to significant disability or death. Early recognition of the warning signs and quick medical attention are paramount to a good outcome.
The brain is protected inside the skull by three separate layers of tissue (meninges). The innermost layer, the pia mater, is a thin and delicate membrane that lies on the surface of the brain. The second layer, the arachnoid mater, covers the brain and pia mater but does not follow the contour of the involutions of the brain. The outermost layer, the dura mater, provides a thicker and tougher layer of protection.
These layers define three potential spaces for blood to collect: the epidural space, between the skull and the dura; the subdural space, between the dura and the arachnoid layer; and the subarachnoid space, between the arachnoid and pia layers—each with its own potential sources of hemorrhage. The pia mater is too closely adhered to the brain and too fragile to act as a barrier for blood, and, therefore, there is no potential space between the pia and the brain for a hemorrhage to form.
Mechanism of injury
A network of veins traverses the space between the surface of the brain and the dura. These veins, the bridging veins, can tear if the contents of the skull experience sudden changes in velocity. Blood leaking from the bridging veins then collects in the subdural space, creating a hematoma. The size of the hematoma and the speed with which it expands depend primarily on the number and size of the tears in the bridging veins. Given that the blood in the bridging veins is coming from the venous side of the circulatory system and is therefore under less pressure, subdural hematomas typically expand at a much lower rate than hematomas that are formed from arterial blood, such as epidural hematomas. The expanding subdural hematoma increases the intracranial pressure and can lead to damage of the underlying brain.
Subdural hematomas are often classified based on their acuity into acute, subacute, and chronic subtypes. Acute subdural hematomas are extremely dangerous and frequently lethal without quick surgical intervention. Symptoms develop quickly, and mortality rates vary greatly depending on a host of primary and secondary factors. Subacute subdural hematomas become symptomatic over several hours to days and carry a better prognosis. Chronic subdural hematomas develop over days to several weeks and are common in elderly individuals. Frequently, they are only mildly symptomatic or without symptoms completely. In these cases, the bleeding is self-limited, and no surgery or acute intervention is required. A subdural hematoma caused by a physical impact is more likely to present as an acute or subacute subtype.
Risk factors
Any process that increases the distance that the bridging veins must travel to cross the subdural space increases the risk of tearing and, therefore, of hematoma formation. Brain atrophy is probably the biggest contributor of increased risk. Subdural hematomas, therefore, become more common as people age and the brain undergoes the natural process of age-related atrophy. Processes that increase brain atrophy, such as Alzheimer disease or chronic alcohol exposure, can increase the risk even further.
While brain atrophy increases the risk of developing a subdural hematoma, it also decreases the speed and severity of the related symptoms. This is due to the fact that brain atrophy provides more space for the hematoma to expand before it begins to increase intracranial pressure and interfere with brain function. Conversely, younger patients, without atrophy, will typically develop symptoms over a shorter period of time.
Signs and symptoms
The signs and symptoms of subdural hematoma typically have a slower onset than those seen in epidural hematomas. Depending on the particular subtype, symptoms can develop within the first 24 hours or may be delayed in onset by several days or weeks. The speed with which the majority of symptoms develop depends mainly on the degree of tearing of the bridging veins and the amount of space available for the hematoma to occupy before intracranial pressures begin to increase. Headache, either constant or fluctuating, can certainly occur during any stage of the process. Other common signs or symptoms that may occur as the result of a subdural hematoma include, but are not limited to, loss of consciousness, numbness, seizure, amnesia, disorientation, slurred speech, blurry vision, dizziness, nausea, and personality changes.
It should be noted that the presenting signs and symptoms of subdural hematoma are similar to those of other head injuries, including concussion. Often, the main difference is in the time course of symptoms. If new symptoms develop several minutes after a witnessed impact or if there is any perceived clinical worsening, emergency medical services should be notified.
Clinical evaluation
As with any head injury, care should be taken to first assess the “ABCs” (airway, breathing, circulation) and evaluate the possibility of cervical spine trauma, instituting cervical immobilization when appropriate. The level of consciousness should then be noted using the Glasgow Coma Scale. Any language, memory, or orientation abnormalities should also be noted. A physical examination should then be performed to evaluate for any focal neurologic abnormality, including pupillary, visual field, and funduscopic examinations, followed by a careful assessment of strength, sensation, reflexes, coordination, and gait. Any focal neurologic abnormality warrants activation of emergency medical services.
Following the initial assessment, appropriate monitoring and serial examinations should be established to document any changes in signs or symptoms. If the situation gets worse, the patient should be further evaluated in a hospital setting. Care should be taken to establish an accurate timeline of events, and accurate documentation of findings will help clarify the postinjury course.
The presence of a subdural hematoma is usually confirmed with a computed tomography (CT) scan of the head. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain can also be used. While the MRI scan may provide more information regarding damage to the brain itself, it requires more time for image acquisition and is not available at every medical facility. The initial diagnosis, therefore, is typically made with a CT scan.
The management of a patient with a subdural hematoma will depend greatly on the extent of the bleed, its location, and the overall clinical status. Small, asymptomatic subdural hematomas can be managed conservatively with serial CT scans of the head to assess for any interval change in hemorrhage size. Larger hemorrhages, or those that are producing a more significant clinical compromise, should be emergently evaluated for surgical decompression.
Eric E. Adelman Jeffrey S. Kutcher The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica