Methods in zoology
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Because the study of animals may be concentrated on widely different topics, such as ecosystems and their constituent populations, organisms, cells, and chemical reactions, specific techniques are needed for each kind of investigation. The emphasis on the molecular basis of genetics, development, physiology, behaviour, and ecology has placed increasing importance on those techniques involving cells and their many components. Microscopy, therefore, is a necessary technique in zoology, as are certain physicochemical methods for isolating and characterizing molecules. Computer technology also has a special role in the analysis of animal life. These newer techniques are used in addition to the many classical ones—measurement and experimentation at the tissue, organ, organ system, and organismic levels.
In addition to continuous improvements in the techniques of staining cells, so that their components can be seen clearly, the light used in microscopy can now be manipulated to make visible certain structures in living cells that are otherwise undetectable. The ability to observe living cells is an advantage of light microscopes over electron microscopes; the latter require the cells to be in an environment that kills them. The particular advantage of the electron microscope, however, is its great powers of magnification. Theoretically, it can resolve single atoms; in biology, however, magnifications of lesser magnitude are most useful in determining the nature of structures lying between whole cells and their constituent molecules.
Separation and purification techniques
The characterization of components of cellular systems is necessary for biochemical studies. The specific molecular composition of cellular organelles, for example, affects their shape and density (mass per unit volume); as a result, cellular components settle at different rates (and thus can be separated) when they are spun in a centrifuge.
Other methods of purification rely on other physical properties. Molecules vary in their affinity for the positive or negative pole of an electrical field. Migration to or away from these poles, therefore, occurs at different rates for different molecules and allows their separation; the process is called electrophoresis. The separation of molecules by liquid solvents exploits the fact that the molecules differ in their solubility, and hence they migrate to various degrees as a solvent flows past them. This process, known as chromatography because of the colour used to identify the position of the migrating materials, yields samples of extraordinarily high purity.
Radioactive tracers
Radioactive compounds are especially useful in biochemical studies involving metabolic pathways of synthesis and degradation. Radioactive compounds are incorporated into cells in the same way as their nonradioactive counterparts. These compounds provide information on the sites of specific metabolic activities within cells and insights into the fates of these compounds in both organisms and the ecosystem.
Computers process information using their own general language, which is able to complete calculations as complex and diverse as statistical analyses and determinations of enzymatically controlled reaction rates. Computers with access to extensive data files can select information associated with a specific problem and display it to aid the researcher in formulating possible solutions. They help perform routine examinations such as scanning chromosome preparations in order to identify abnormalities in number or shape. Test organisms can be electronically monitored with computers, so that adjustments can be made during experiments; this procedure improves the quality of the data and allows experimental situations to be fully exploited. Computer simulation is important in analyzing complex problems; as many as 100 variables, for example, are involved in the management of salmon fisheries. Simulation makes possible the development of models that approach the complexities of conditions in nature, a procedure of great value in studying wildlife management and related ecological problems.
Applied zoology
Animal-related industries produce food (meats and dairy products), hides, furs, wool, organic fertilizers, and miscellaneous chemical byproducts. There has been a dramatic increase in the productivity of animal husbandry since the 1870s, largely as a consequence of selective breeding and improved animal nutrition. The purpose of selective breeding is to develop livestock whose desirable traits have strong heritable components and can therefore be propagated. Heritable components are distinguished from environmental factors by determining the coefficient of heritability, which is defined as the ratio of variance in a gene-controlled character to total variance.
Another aspect of food production is the control of pests. The serious side effects of some chemical pesticides make extremely important the development of effective and safe control mechanisms. Animal food resources include commercial fishing. The development of shellfish resources and fisheries management (e.g., growth of fish in rice paddies in Asia) are important aspects of this industry.
Earl Dorchester Hanson