Battle of Mantineia
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defeat of Mantineia
- In Mantineia
…be defeated at the first Battle of Mantineia in 418 by the Spartan forces of King Agis. In 362 the city was again prominent when the Theban army, cleverly outmanoeuvring the Spartan troops, won the battle and lost their commander, Epaminondas, in an encounter on the Mantineian Plain.
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history of ancient Greece
- In ancient Greek civilization: Athens and Thebes
The great Battle of Mantinea (also called “Second Mantinea” to distinguish it from the events of 418) was a technical victory for Thebes in the strictly military sense, but (as Xenophon noted) it was actually indecisive: Epaminondas’s death permanently crushed Theban hopes of leadership in Greece. The…
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victory of Epaminondas
- In Epaminondas
…and their allies in the Battle of Mantineia (362). Epaminondas repeated on a large scale the tactics of Leuctra and was once more victorious but died of a wound on the field of battle. With his death all constructive initiative appeared to vanish from Theban policy.
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