Cena Trimalchionis
work by Petronius Arbiter
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In Gaius Petronius Arbiter: The Satyricon.
…of the Satyricon is the Cena Trimalchionis, or “Banquet of Trimalchio” (ch. 26–78). This is a description of a dinner party given by Trimalchio, an immensely rich and vulgar freedman (former slave), to a group of friends and hangers-on. This episode’s length appears disproportionate even to the presumed original size…
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use of Vulgar Latin
- In Romance languages: Latin and the protolanguage
…the character Trimalchio in the Cena Trimalchionis (“Banquet of Trimalchio”) section (chapters 26–78) of his Satyricon.
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