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Dulkadir Dynasty
Turkmen dynasty
Dulkadir Dynasty, Turkmen dynasty (1337–1522) that ruled in the Elbistan-Maraş-Malatya region of eastern Anatolia. Its lands were the focus of rivalry between the Ottoman Empire and the Mamlūks of Syria. The dynasty was founded by Karaca, the chief of the Bozok Turkmen, who was recognized as nāʾīb (deputy) by the Mamlūk sultan in 1337 but who, with his sons, later was defeated and killed in a revolt against the sultan. In 1399 the Ottoman sultan Bayezid I, challenging Mamlūk influence, installed Dulkadir Mehmed as ruler. He tried to maintain peaceful relations with both powers. After 1450 Ottoman-Mamlūk rivalry intensified, resulting ...(100 of 146 words)