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Mars Pathfinder: Media
United States spacecraft
Mars Pathfinder, as seen by its rover, Sojourner, on July 8, 1997, three days after...
Sojourner on Mars
The robotic rover Sojourner adjacent to a large rock on Mars's Chryse Planitia, in...
Sojourner rover examining a boulder on Mars
NASA's Sojourner robotic rover examining a boulder on Mars's Chryse Planitia, as...
Mars: Chryse Planitia
Close-up of a pitted volcanic rock resting on the Chryse Planitia lowland of Mars,...
topographic map of Mars
Global topographic map of Mars produced from high-resolution laser altimetry data...
Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter Science Team
Mars: Tharsis province
Topographic map of the Tharsis province of Mars made from high-resolution altimetry...
MOLA Science Team
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