My Fight with Hersh Rasseyner
story by Grade
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discussed in biography
- In Chaim Grade
…mit Hersh Rasseyner” (1950; “My Fight with Hersh Rasseyner”) is a “philosophical dialogue” between a secular Jew deeply troubled by the Holocaust and a devout friend from Poland. Grade’s novel Di agune (1961; The Agunah) concerns an Orthodox woman whose husband is missing in action in wartime and who,…
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Yiddish literature
- In Yiddish literature: Writers in Poland and the Soviet Union
…krig mit Hersh Rasseyner (My Quarrel with Hersh Rasseyner). This work, which appears in English translation in A Treasury of Yiddish Stories, rev. and updated ed. (1990), presents an extended debate between a secular and a religious Jew.
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