Solid South
American political history
Learn about this topic in these articles:
United States presidential election of 1876
- In United States presidential election of 1876: The disputed election
…became known as the “Solid South.”
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United States presidential election of 1964
- In United States presidential election of 1964: The campaign
…be known as the “Solid South,” easily winning Southern states in most presidential elections. Johnson’s support of civil rights legislation, however, began the process that would eventually push the South consistently into the Republican column.
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United States presidential election of 1976
- In United States presidential election of 1976: The Democratic campaign
…support of the old “Solid South” that had played such an important role in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal coalition of the 1930s and ’40s. It was thought that Carter, a “New Southerner,” could appeal to both whites and African Americans and possibly bring the South back into the…
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