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Also known as: mathematical logic, symbolic logic

Basic features of PC

The simplest and most basic branch of logic is the propositional calculus, hereafter called PC, so named because it deals only with complete, unanalyzed propositions and certain combinations into which they enter. Various notations for PC are used in the literature. In that used here the symbols employed in PC first comprise variables (for which the letters p, q, r, … are used, with or without numerical subscripts); second, operators (for which the symbols ∼, ·, ∨, ⊃, and ≡ are employed); and third, brackets or parentheses. The rules for constructing formulas are discussed below (see below Formation rules for PC), but the intended interpretations of these symbols—i.e., the meanings to be given to them—are indicated here immediately: the variables are to be viewed as representing unspecified propositions or as marking the places in formulas into which sentences, and only sentences, may be inserted. (This is sometimes expressed by saying that variables range over propositions, or that they take propositions as their values.) Hence they are often called propositional variables. It is assumed that every proposition is either true or false and that no proposition is both true and false. Truth and falsity are said to be the truth values of propositions. The function of an operator is to form a new proposition from one or more given propositions, called the arguments of the operator. The operators ∼, ·, ∨, ⊃, and ≡ correspond respectively to the English expressions “not,” “and,” “or,” “if …, then” (or “implies”), and “is equivalent to,” when these are used in the following senses:

  1. Given a proposition p, then ∼p (“not p”) is to count as false when p is true and true when p is false; “∼” (when thus interpreted) is known as the negation sign, and ∼p as the negation of p.
  2. Given any two propositions p and q, then p · q (“p and q”) is to count as true when p and q are both true and as false in all other cases (namely, when p is true and q false, when p is false and q true, and when p and q are both false); p · q is said to be the conjunction of p and q; “ · ” is known as the conjunction sign, and its arguments (p, q) as conjuncts.
  3. Given any two propositions p and q, then pq (“p or q”) is to count as false when p and q are both false and true in all other cases; thus it represents the assertion that at least one of p and q is true. Pq is known as the disjunction of p and q; “∨” is the disjunction sign, and its arguments (p, q) are known as disjuncts.
  4. Given any two propositions p and q, then pq (“if p [then] q” or “p [materially] implies q”) is to count as false when p is true and q is false and as true in all other cases; hence it has the same meaning as “either not-p or q” or as “not both p and not-q.” The symbol “⊃” is known as the (material) implication sign, the first argument as the antecedent, and the second as the consequent; qp is known as the converse of pq.
  5. Finally, pq (“p is [materially] equivalent to q” or “p if and only if q”) is to count as true when p and q have the same truth value (i.e., either when both are true or when both are false), and false when they have different truth values; the arguments of “≡” (the [material] equivalence sign) are called equivalents.

Brackets are used to indicate grouping; they make it possible to distinguish, for example, between p · (qr) (“both p and either-q-or-r”) and (p · q) ∨ r (“either both-p-and-q or r”). Precise rules for bracketing are given below.

All PC operators take propositions as their arguments, and the result of applying them is also in each case a proposition. For this reason they are sometimes called proposition-forming operators on propositions or, more briefly, propositional connectives. An operator that, like ∼, requires only a single argument is known as a monadic operator; operators that, like all the others listed, require two arguments are known as dyadic.

All PC operators also have the following important characteristic: given the truth values of the arguments, the truth value of the proposition formed by them and the operator is determined in every case. An operator that has this characteristic is known as a truth-functional operator, and a proposition formed by such an operator is called a truth function of the operator’s argument(s). The truth functionality of the PC operators is clearly brought out by summarizing the above account of them in Click Here to see full-size tabletruth table for most common operatorsTable 1. In it, “true” is abbreviated by “1” and “false” by “0,” and to the left of the vertical line are tabulated all possible combinations of truth values of the operators’ arguments. The columns of 1s and 0s under the various truth functions indicate their truth values for each of the cases; these columns are known as the truth tables of the relevant operators. It should be noted that any column of four 1s or 0s or both will specify a dyadic truth-functional operator. Because there are precisely 24 (i.e., 16) ways of forming a string of four symbols each of which is to be either 1 or 0 (1111, 1110, 1101, …, 0000), there are 16 such operators in all; the four that are listed here are only the four most generally useful ones.

Formation rules for PC

In any system of logic it is necessary to specify which sequences of symbols are to count as acceptable formulas—or, as they are usually called, well-formed formulas (wffs). Rules that specify this are called formation rules. From an intuitive point of view, it is desirable that the wffs of PC be just those sequences of PC symbols that, in terms of the interpretation given above, make sense and are unambiguous; and this can be ensured by stipulating that the wffs of PC are to be all those expressions constructed in accordance with the following PC-formation rules, and only these:

  • FR1.A variable standing alone is a wff.
  • FR2.If α is a wff, so is ∼α.
  • FR3.If α and β are wffs, (α · β), (α β), (α ∨ β), (α ⊃ β), and (α ≡ β) are wffs.

In these rules α and β are variables representing arbitrary formulas of PC. They are not themselves symbols of PC but are used in discussing PC. Such variables are known as metalogical variables. It should be noted that the rules, though designed to ensure unambiguous sense for the wffs of PC under the intended interpretation, are themselves stated without any reference to interpretation and in such a way that there is an effective procedure for determining, again without any reference to interpretation, whether any arbitrary string of symbols is a wff or not. (An effective procedure is one that is “mechanical” in nature and can always be relied on to give a definite result in a finite number of steps. The notion of effectiveness plays an important role in formal logic.)

Examples of wffs are: p; ∼q; ∼(p · q)—i.e., “not both p and q”; and [∼p ∨ (qp)]—i.e., “either not p or else q is equivalent to p.”

For greater ease in writing or reading formulas, the formation rules are often relaxed. The following relaxations are common: (1) Brackets enclosing a complete formula may be omitted. (2) The typographical style of brackets may be varied within a formula to make the pairing of brackets more evident to the eye. (3) Conjunctions and disjunctions may be allowed to have more than two arguments—for example, p · (qr) · ∼r may be written instead of [p · (qr)] · ∼r. (The conjunction p · q · r is then interpreted to mean that p, q, and r are all true, pqr to mean that at least one of p, q, and r is true, and so forth.)

Validity in PC

Given the standard interpretation, a wff of PC becomes a sentence, true or false, when all its variables are replaced by actual sentences. Such a wff is therefore a proposition form in the sense explained above and hence is valid if and only if all its instances express true propositions. A wff of which all instances are false is said to be unsatisfiable, and one with some true and some false instances is said to be contingent.

An important problem for any logical system is the decision problem for the class of valid wffs of that system (sometimes simply called the decision problem for the system). This is the problem of finding an effective procedure, in the sense explained in the preceding section, for testing the validity of any wff of the system. Such a procedure is called a decision procedure. For some systems a decision procedure can be found; the decision problem for a system of this sort is then said to be solvable, and the system is said to be a decidable one. For other systems it can be proved that no decision procedure is possible; the decision problem for such a system is then said to be unsolvable, and the system is said to be an undecidable one.

PC is a decidable system. In fact, several decision procedures for it are known. Of these the simplest and most important theoretically (though not always the easiest to apply in practice) is the method of truth tables, which will now be explained briefly. Since all the operators in a wff of PC are truth-functional, in order to discover the truth value of any instance of such a wff, it is unnecessary to consider anything but the truth values of the sentences replacing the variables. In other words, the assignment of a truth value to each of the variables in a wff uniquely determines a truth value for the whole wff. Since there are only two truth values and each wff contains only a finite number of variables, there are only a finite number of truth-value assignments to the variables to be considered (if there are n distinct variables in the wff, there are 2n such assignments); these can easily be systematically tabulated. For each of these assignments the truth tables for the operators then enable one to calculate the resulting truth value of the whole wff; the wff is valid if and only if this truth value is truth in each case. As an example, [(pq) · r] ⊃ [(∼rp) ⊃ q] may be tested for validity. This formula states that “if one proposition implies a second one, and a certain third proposition is true, then if either that third proposition is false or the first is true, the second is true.”

The calculation is shown in Click Here to see full-size tabletest for validity by truth tableTable 2. As before, 1 represents truth and 0 falsity. Since the wff contains three variables, there are 23 (i.e., 8) different assignments to the variables to be considered, which therefore generate the eight lines of the table. These assignments are tabulated to the left of the vertical line. The numbers in parentheses at the foot indicate the order in which the steps (from 1 through 6) are to be taken in determining the truth values (1 or 0) to be entered in the table. Thus column 1, falling under the symbol ⊃, sets down the values of pq for each assignment, obtained from the columns under p and q by the truth table for ⊃; column 2, for (pq) · r, is then obtained by employing the values in column 1 together with those in the column under r by use of the truth table for ·; … until finally column 6, which gives the values for the whole wff, is obtained from columns 2 and 5. This column is called the truth table of the whole wff. Since it consists entirely of 1s, it shows that the wff is true for every assignment given to the variables and is therefore valid. A wff for which the truth table consists entirely of 0s is never satisfied, and a wff for which the truth table contains at least one 1 and at least one 0 is contingent. It follows from the formation rules and from the fact that an initial truth table has been specified for each operator that a truth table can be constructed for any given wff of PC.

Among the more important valid wffs of PC are those of Click Here to see full-size tablesome valid formulas of propositional calculusTable 3, all of which can be shown to be valid by a mechanical application of the truth-table method. They can also be seen to express intuitively sound general principles about propositions. For instance, because “not (… or …)” can be rephrased as “neither … nor …,” the first De Morgan law can be read as “both p and q if and only if neither not-p nor not-q”; thus it expresses the principle that two propositions are jointly true if and only if neither of them is false. Whenever, as is the case in most of the examples given, a wff of the form α ≡ β is valid, the corresponding wffs α ⊃ β and β ⊃ α are also valid. For instance, because (p · q) ≡ ∼(∼p ∨ ∼q) is valid, so are (p · q) ⊃ ∼(∼p ∨ ∼q) and ∼(∼p ∨ ∼q) ⊃ (p · q).

Moreover, although pq does not mean that q can be deduced from p, yet whenever a wff of the form α ⊃ β is valid, the inference form “α, therefore β” is likewise valid. This fact is easily seen from the fact that α ⊃ β means the same as “not both: α and not-β”; for, as was noted above, whenever the latter is a valid proposition form, “α, therefore β” is a valid inference form.

Let α be any wff. If any variable in it is now uniformly replaced by some wff, the resulting wff is called a substitution-instance of α. Thus [p ⊃ (q ∨ ∼r)] ≡ [∼(q ∨ ∼r) ⊃ ∼p] is a substitution-instance of (pq) ≡ (∼q ⊃ ∼p), obtained from it by replacing q uniformly by (q ∨ ∼r). It is an important principle that, whenever a wff is valid, so is every substitution-instance of it (the rule of [uniform] substitution).

A further important principle is the rule of substitution of equivalents. Two wffs, α and β, are said to be equivalents when α ≡ β is valid. (The wffs α and β are equivalents if and only if they have identical truth tables.) The rule states that, if any part of a wff is replaced by an equivalent of that part, the resulting wff and the original are also equivalents. Such replacements need not be uniform. The application of this rule is said to make an equivalence transformation.